Víctor Meseguer as a Special Commissioner
Víctor Meseguer appointed as Special Commissioner for Social Economy of the Spanish Government
He leaves Social Economy Europe after 8 years as director, and begins a new chapter to further deploy investments into the Spanish social economy.
SEE & CEPES met Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
SEE & CEPES meet Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
SEE and CEPES meet Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to exchange about the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
SEE welcomes 3 new members!
SEE welcomes 3 new members!
ADV Foundation, PASE KALO and TechSoup Europe join Social Economy Europe, that now has 23 members!
Towards a UN resolution on Social and Solidarity Economy
A multi-stakeholder event on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) was held on 13 December at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, hosted by the UN […]
UNRISD Manual on Sustainability Assesment
SEE & ASBN welcome UN Manual on Sustainability Assesment
Joint Press Release – Washington, D.C. & Brussels – for Wednesday, November 2nd/2022 Social Economy Europe (SEE) and the American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) congratulate the […]
baSE project
baSE- The EU Blueprint for Social Economy Skills
On 6-7 October the baSE project was launched in Bilbao.
Transition Pathway Event November 2022
14 November – Hybrid event to launch the Transition Pathway for Social Economy
On 14 November at 5pm the Commission will present teh Transition Pathway for Social Economy & Proximity
SEE contribution to the EC Call for evidence on the Council Recommendation on Social Economy
SEE contribution to the call for evidence on Social Economy framework conditions
Discover SEE's contribution to the EC call for evidence on developing social economy framework conditions.
President Ursula von der Leyen addresses the EP
SEE Open letter to EC President : Social economy solutions to multiple crisis
Ahead of SOTEU, we stress how the social economy and SEAP can contribute to provide solutions to the multiple crisis the EU faces.
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