SEE welcomes 3 new members!

SEE New Members

On 7 December, Social Economy Europe’ General Assembly approved the adhesion of 3 new members


🙌 ADV Group is on of the largest social economy groups in Romania, as well as the driver of a social economy cluster.  ADV Group national headquarters are in Iasi and it is registered as a Romanian foundation, independent from state authorities, not conditioned by certain ideologies, doctrines or religions.


🙌 PASE KALO is the Panhellenic Confederation of Social Economy Unions, representing the social economy in Greece. PASE KALO represents 1,468 of the 1,808 legally registered SE Entities (enterprises and organizations) of SE in Greece. Despite the many barriers, the number of social economy enterprises in Greece has increased by 41.36% from 2019 to 2022 (1,279 in 2019 – 1,808 in 2022). 


🙌 TechSoup Europe is a part of the   TechSoup Global Network. Together with  25 partners – civil society organisations representing many different areas: capacity building, civic engagement, social innovation, or digital inclusion, TecSoup Europe helps nonprofits including grass-roots, small, local organisations in 53 European countries build their capacity. The network creates a space for an exchange of ideas and best practices between partners, as well as new cross-border collaborations. 

SEE All Members

SEE has now 23 members and it is the largest EU social economy network representing the interests of all social economy enterprises and organisations across Europe, a space of convergence and cooperation, at the service of the social economy community. During the General Assembly Petro Darmoris also presented the recently created Social Economy Ukraine, that has been created to boost the Ukrainian social economy and its contribution to rebuilding the country.

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