Who we are

Social Economy Europe is the voice of 4.3 million social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe. We are the social economy reference point at European level.

We are a strategic partner to European institutions and have led on EU policy on the social economy. Created in November 2000 under the name of CEP-CMAF – the European Standing Conference of Cooperatives, Mutuals, Associations and foundations – with the purpose of establishing a permanent dialogue between the social economy and the European Institutions. In 2008, CEP-CMAF changed its name and officially became Social Economy Europe.

Since its foundation, Social Economy Europe is the secretariat of the European Parliaments Social Economy Intergroup. 

Our members are European and national organisations, with presence at regional and local level, bringing the national dimension to our European work.

SEE has three types of members:​

Our mission


To represent the interests of the social economy in the European Union so that the main EU policies promote and take into account this business model.


To promote dialogue and inter-cooperation between its members and to develop new services of common interest.


Reinforce the visibility of the economic, social and environmental impact of the social economy and values and principles that define this business model.


Supporting public authorities and organisations that promote the development of the social economy.

Our vision

A diverse economy at the service of people. A democratic, sustainable and inclusive economy, strongly committed to society

A more favourable ecosystem for the development of the European social economy, that will keep offering innovative solutions in response to social demands

The social economy’s active partecipation in the development f the main socio-economic policies of the European Union


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme body of SEE and meets at least once a year to approve the budget and the annual accounts and to establish strategic guidelines and the Work Plan. It is formed of representatives of all the member organisations. It is chaired by the President.

Members of the General Assembly

Executive Board

The Board of Directors has broad powers to run and manage SEE and meets at least three times per year, convened by the President. 

Members of the Executive Board


Juan Antonio Pedreño

President of Social Economy Europe

Juan Antonio Pedreño holds a BA in Chemistry (specialised in industrial chemistry) at Granada’s University (Spain). He is an expert on social economy and co-operatives. He started his professional career as High School teacher and became a founding member of the co-operative school, high-school and vocational training centre Severo Ochoa, which he chaired for more than 20 years.

Currently, he is the President of Social Economy Europe, CEPES (Spanish Social Economy Confederation), UCOMUR (Murcia’s Region Worker Co-operatives) and UCOERM (Murcia’s Region Education Cooperatives). Furthermore, Mr. Pedreño is the General Coordinator of the ESMED Network (Euro-Mediterranean Social Economy) and a member of the Spanish Economic and Social Committee.

Juan Antonio Pedreño has also been President of COCETA (Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives) and member of the Board of Directors of Cooperatives Europe. He is the author of articles and papers on the social economy enterprise model.

Alain Coheur

Sarah Goddard

Mathieu de Poorter

Lourdes Marquez

Diana Dovgan

Luca Pastorelli

Patrizia Bussi

Daniel Sorrosal

Giuseppe Guerini

Pascale Zoetaert

Antoine Détourné



SEE team is based in Brussels, it assists and provides advice to the President, Vice-Presidents and Executive Board and in cooperation with them implements the Work Plan.

Sarah de Heusch


Rodrigo Alonso Martínez

Policy assistant

Paula de Diego Olmos

Policy lead and Project officer

Ángel Hernández

Technical and IT support

Laura Almirante

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