SEE & CEPES met Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
SEE & CEPES meet Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez
SEE and CEPES meet Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to exchange about the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
baSE project
baSE- The EU Blueprint for Social Economy Skills
On 6-7 October the baSE project was launched in Bilbao.
The World Economic Forum wants to unlock the social economy for inclusive and resilient societies
The Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2022 took place from the 22 to the 26 May, in the Swiss town of Davos, as […]
17/02 French Presidency event on SEAP implementation
On February the 17th, the city of Paris welcomed the event The social economy, the Future of Europe, organised by the French Presidency of the Council […]
Towards the Social Good Week 2022- Social Economy’s potential for a fair digital transition
AUTHOR Sara Bombardieri Get inspired by the potential of the new generation of social start-ups! Having participated in the launch event of the Social Good Weeek, […]
EP Report on the Social Economy Action Plan is coming!
In the context of the launch of the Social Economy Action Plan and specifically of the preparation of the EP own-initiative report on this historic initiative, […]
2022: What is on now for the Social Economy?
A non-exhaustive review of new opportunities accompanied by some open questions An image by ESS-France Dearest friends of the European Social Economy community,  Last year ended […]
The Social Economy Action Plan is out: a new chapter begins
Brussels, 9 December 2021. Today Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis and Commissioner Nicolas Schmit have presented the Social Economy Action Plan at a press […]
industrial strategy European Union
EU Commission releases new Industrial Package and Circular Economy Action Plan
SEE welcomes the recognition of the Social Economy in the industrial and SME Strategies and in the Circular Economy Action Plan, as a pillar to build […]
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