Financing Social Economy in Europe - The need for a stronger InvestEU Program
SEE Policy paper on InvestEU: Financing Social Economy in Europe – The need for a stronger InvestEU Program
SEE Memorandum for the European Elections 2024
Social Economy, a driver of economic and social progress in Europe: SEE Memorandum for the European elections 2024
Event on “Recommendation to the Council of the European Union on Developing Social Economy Framework Conditions”
Flash report elaborated by SEE on the meeting of the Social Economy Intergroup held in Strasbourg on 12th September 2023 to discuss the Council Recommendation on social economy framework conditions.

The EU Pact for Skills - Skills partnership for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem
While it has been severely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, the proximity and social economy ecosystem has shown a particular resilience and a great potential to help the EU’s economic and social recovery as a whole, as its very raison d’être is to address economic, environmental and societal challenges in the most inclusive and innovative ways. This ecosystem is crucial to ensure a fair and inclusive recovery and to act as a catalyser of just transitions.

SEE Policy Paper: Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy
In March 2021, some months before the publication by the EU Commission of the Action Plan for the Social Economy, SEE comes up with new proposals and inputs to co-design a successful public policy. SEE calls for an ambitious Action Plan with a six-year horizon through seven priorities and 51 concrete actions

SEE Best Practice Guide for Inclusion
A publication supported by the European Commission through the European Social Fund, highlights 12 examples of how social economy enterprises contribute to the social and labour integration of people with disabilities across the European Union. A publication of the SEE Working Group on Social Economy and Disability