Vacancies at SEE Secretariat (Brussels)

<h5 Join our team!

Sorry, there are no vacancies at the moment, but come back, all available vacancies will be advertised on our website!

Social Economy Europe is an equal opportunities employer, we apply the social economy values to every area of our work and our organisation, including in our recruitment of employees, which means we do not discriminate based on any grounds and we promote inclusion.

For any queries feel free to write to


Social Economy Europe collaborates with universities and schools, to provide students with internship opportunities at our Secretariat based in Brussels. In this framework we offer three internships a year in the following periods:

● January to June

● June to December

● Summer traineeships from June to August

Trainees contribute horizontally to the work of Social Economy Europe, participating to events, advocacy activities towards EU institutions, the communications and policy work of the organisation. Trainees are also assigned their own 'project' to work on during the period of their traineeship - projects which vary and depend primarily on the interest and experience of the trainee.

The period of stay for a trainee will be determined by the agreement between Social Economy Europe and the university or school.

Further to the scholarships offered by the universities or schools, Social Economy Europe offers public transport reimbursement as well as meal vouchers.


Social Economy Europe welcomes volunteers for a period of maximum two months to develop a specific project and support the work of our Secretariat in Brussels.
Volunteers decide themselves when and how much of their time they can dedicate to Social Economy Europe. Insurance, meals and transport charges (in Brussels) are covered by Social Economy Europe.

Find funding for your work experience with EU funds

<h5 Testimonials from previous trainees

University partners

We welcome partnerships with any university to have their students do a work experience placement with us

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