5-6 May- Social Economy: the Future of Europe
On 5-6 May 2022 will take place in Strasbourg the largest social economy Summit of the year, aiming at gathering over 1000 social economy stakeholders.
SEE welcomes EP report on a statute for European cross-border associations and NPO’s
On Wednesday 16 of February 2022, the European Parliament (EP) approved a legislative initiative Report on a Statute for European cross-border associations and NPOs. This initiative […]
Council of EU Ministers on SOCIAL ECONOMY
23 Member States call for an ambitious SEAP implementation
Social Economy Europe welcomes the outcome of the informal Council of EU Ministers dedicated to the social economy under the French Presidency of the EU.  Social […]
SEIG online public hearing: Towards a Council Recommendation for social economy, boosting the convergence of Social Economy enabling frameworks
On Friday 4 March 2022, the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup, whose secretariat is provided by Social Economy Europe, organises the online public hearing Towards a […]
OSCE Event in Tirana: Young Social Economy Entrepreneurship for sustainable development in Western Balkans
In the context of the YDEAS II (Young Developers and Entrepreneurs to Advance Start-ups) project, OSCE organises a two-day kick off meeting in Tirana. The project, […]
Strasbourg Conference: Social Economy, the Future of Europe
This conference, organised French Presidency of the Council of the EU, is taking place in Strasbourg. This event is a great opportunity to debate and exchange […]
EU Civil Society Days 2022: Workshop 6, A Green Social Market economy for the Future of Europe
In the context of the Civil Society Days 2022, Social Economy Europe in collaboration with the Union of European Federalists (UEF), organises the online Workshop 6, […]
EU Civil Society Days 2022: Workshop 5, Building a democratic economy for just transition
In the context of the Civil Society Days 2022 Social Economy Europe in collaboration with SOLIDAR, Cooperatives Europe and the European Environmental Bureau, organises the online […]
Ministerial Informal Meeting in Paris
A ministerial informal meeting is organised by the French Presidency of the Council in Paris. The objective of this meetings is to gather ministers for Social […]
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