A multi-stakeholder event on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) was held on 13 December at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, hosted by the UN Taskforce on Social and Solidarity Economy, and the representations of Chile, France and Spain towards the UN. The event showed the large coalition of 16 countries from different regions of the world that are promoting a UN resolution on SSE: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Slovenia, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Mongolia, Senegal and Belgium. SEE calls on more countries to support this initiative that will contribute to the global momentum in favour of the social economy as a driver to achieve the SDGs.

The event also gathered a large number of social economy stakeholders as SEE President Juan Antonio Pedreño, GSEF Secretary General Aude Saldana, Rana Dajani, Board member of Catalyst2030, Professor at the Hashemite University and Visiting Professor at MIT; Íñigo Albizuri, President of CICOPA and Mondragon Corporation representative, or Yvon Poirier of RIPESS international, among others.
🎥 You can watch the recording of the event here.