The EU Social Economy Summit (EUSES) will be held (online) on the 26th and 27th May 2021.
At this important summit Social Economy Europe in cooperation with the Social Economy Intergroup will be present in a plenary on the mainstage. The event is entitled: Mainstreaming the Social Economy
in EU policies: A roundtable by the Social Economy Intergroup & SEE
You can register for this important event here.
The important speakers are:
•Patrizia Toia, MEP S&D, IT, Co-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup
•Sven Giegold, MEP Greens-EFA, DE,Co-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup•Leopoldo López, MEP EPP, ES, Co-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup(tbc)
•Manon Aubry, MEP GUE/NGL, FR, Co-Chair of the GUE/NGL and of the Social Economy Intergroup(tbc).
•Monica Semedo, MEP Renew, LU, Co-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup(tbc).
•Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of Social Economy Europe.
Our event from SEE will start at 14:15pm.
About the main EUSES event
The ‘European Social Economy Summit’ (#EUSES) is a jointly organized conference by the European Commission and the City of Mannheim. The #EUSES is a conference which aims at strengthening the social economy in Europe and harness its contribution to economic development, social inclusion as well as green and digital transitions. The discussions will focus on three dimensions: digitalisation of the Social Economy, (social) innovation, cross-country and cross-sectoral collaboration.
The #EUSES is an opportunity to bring all stakeholders active in the social economy together.
Social Economy Europe will be present with the Social Economy Intergroup in the Mainstage Plenary discussion on the 26th May:
The event sill have participation and workshops organised by several SEE Members.
These include:
EMN & FEBEA Title: Social Finance in Europe: a strong leverage towards an inclusive and green Europe
Many European citizens ask for a more sustainable and inclusive growth. Social finance can be a response to this demand by funding the social economy. Shedding light on different practices in several European countries, this workshop aims at giving concrete examples on how social finance can ensure transparency for savers, create more jobs for deprived people and develop additional social impact.
By ensuring transparency for savers, creating jobs for deprived people and developing additional social impact, social finance serves the transition and allows citizens to take back the control on finance. The different practices coexisting in European countries bring together civil society, financial players, NGO’s and regulators to achieve implementing social and environmental projects on the ground. The workshop will begin with an introduction giving participants an overview of the different models existing in the broad field of social finance. Participants will then form groups to work on cases deriving from one of the models (ethical finance/microfinance/labels/social financiers). In each group, a moderator will briefly set the scene and introduce various examples, and then moderate discussions between participants on how to replicate best practices and drive further developments. At the end of the session, each group will report to plenary to summarise and share their outcomes.