Social Economy Europe and the Act4SocialEU Coalition, organise this event to explore and promote social economy’s participation in all levels of social dialogue (employers, employees and public authorities) to co-create innovative solutions for an economy that works for people & the planet.
The event will be held on April 28th from 14.00 – 16.00h CET
You can register for the event here.
The full Agenda can be found here.
Important speakers include:
Jean-Claude Fluhr, President of IPSE, Act4SocialEU, Victor Meseguer, Director of Social Economy Europe, Jérôme Saddier, President of ESS-France, Vice-President of Social Economy Europe, Act4SocialEU, Estelle Bacconnier, Policy Officer – Social economy, European Commission, DG EMPL (unit job creation), Sarah Goddard, Secretary General of AMICE Leonardo Pofferi, Head of Confcooperative EU and International affairs, Vice-president Cogeca, Hugues Vidor, President of UDES, Elise Lay, Legal Adviser at UNIPSO, Board member of the Federation of European Social Employers and the European Council of Associations of General Interest (CEDAG), Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary at European Trade Union Confederation, Piotr Sadowski, President of the Social Platfor, Anousheh Karvar, Delegate of the French Government to the ILO’s Governing Body, Gianluca Pastorelli, President of DIESIS Coop, Jérôme Saddier, President of ESS-France, Act4SocialEU
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