133 contributions to co-build the European Social Economy Action Plan!

have your say

Monday 26 April was the deadline to submit contributions for the future European Action Plan for the Social Economy and 133 contributions were submitted by the social economy commlunity and other stakeholders.

Among these contributions you can find Social Economy Europe’s policy paper Co-building the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economuy that works for people and the planet, and the high-level contributrions of our members AIMAMICECEPESCECOPConcertESENSIEESS-France in cooperation with other French social economy stakeholdersEurodiaconia and Philantropy Advocacy (a joint initiative of our member the EFC and Dafne).

Member States and public authorities also submitted their contributions to this #HaveYourSay short consultation as the  governments (Ministries and departments in charge of social economy) of Belgium, Ireland, Italy, France, Romania and Spain, and the regional/local governments of Wallonia, Barcelona, Strasbourg, the Association of Flemish provinces etc. 

Social Economy Europe also wishes to thank all our partners and friends that have submitted contributions on this occasion as CIRIEC InternationalWWFFair Trade Advocacy OfficeSOGA EuropeIESMEDSSE International ForumRIPESS Europe, RREUSE and many others. 

All contributions can be found ➡️ here.

Social Economy Europe Contribution

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Social Economy Europe. Here we summarise the important points from our pilicy paper “Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and the planet

Social Economy Europe Members

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Member CEPES – The Spanish Confederation of Social Economy Enterprises 

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Member FEBEA – European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Member EFC- The European Foundation Centre (via the joint Dafne & EFC Philanthropy
Advocacy initiative)

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Member REVES – The European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy

Partners and collaborators

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Partners at DIESIS and our Colleagues at EURICSE

#HaveYourSay consultation from our Colleagues at RREUSE

#HaveYourSay consultation from our colleagues at ESS-SSE International Forum

#HaveYourSay consultation from our colleagues at CIRIEC INTERNATIONAL

#HaveYourSay consultation from our colleagues at IESMED

#HaveYourSay consultation from our colleagues at SOGA Europe – The Social Good Accelerator

What is the Roadmap? How to use it? Who can participate?

This roadmap is open for feedback for 8 weeks from March 1st until April 26th. Feedback will be taken into account for further development and fine tuning of the Action Plan for the Social Economy. The Commission will summarise the input received in a synopsis report explaining how the input will be taken on board and, if applicable, why certain suggestions can’t be taken up. Feedback received will be published on this site and therefore must adhere to the feedback rules.

The Commission will use this roadmap to define the scope the Action Plan for the Social Economy. Roadmaps describe the problem to be tackled and objectives to be met, explain why EU action is needed, outline policy options and describe the main features of the consultation strategy. When the expected impacts of an EU law or policy are likely to be significant, the Commission conducts an impact assessment before making its proposal.

The aim of this assessment is to analyse in more detail the issue to be addressed, whether action should be taken at EU level and the potential economic, social and environmental effects of the different solutions outlined. The results of the impact assessment help inform the Commission’s decision.

Anyone who might be affected by an existing or proposed law or policy can participate in this process. This includes: public authorities, businesses, civil society organisations and the public.

Thank you to all those organisations who replied to the consultation!

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