Webinar on EU opportunities for enterprises & organisations

On Tuesday 7 July 2020, Social Economy Europe organised, in cooperation with UCOMUR (the Union of Worker Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia) and the Government of the Region of Murcia, a webinar on The European Recovery Plan #NextGenerationEU: EU opportunities for enterprises and organisations.

The main speakers at the event were:

  • Ms. Ana Martínez Vidal, Regional Minister for Enterprises and Industry and Spokesperson of the Government of the Region of Murcia.
  • Mr. Miguel Motas Guzmán, Regional Minister for Employment, Research and Universities
  • Mr. Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of Social Economy Europe, CEPES and UCOMUR
  • Ms. Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit for Social Economy at the European Commission, DG Grow
  • Ms. Natalia Martínez Páramo,  Head of Unit COSME (Europe’s Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises) at the Commission’s Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME)
  • Ms. Cristina Dumitrescu, Senior Investment Manager, responsible for Inclusive Finance at the European Investment Fund (EIF)
  • Mr. Juan José Martínez Lozano, Director General for the European Union of the Region of Murcia and member of the Committee of the Regions.

The event was presented and moderated by Lucía Huertas, responsible of the office of the Region of Murcia/INFO in Brussels, and Víctor Meseguer, director of Social Economy Europe.

The video recording of the event is available here.

Please find hereunder the presentations of:


Presentation Cristina Dumitrescu EIF

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