Support Social Economy


  • The renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament.
  • The appointment of commissioner for Social Economy.
  • The implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan.


The social economy in Europe is recognized by major institutions (UN, ILO, OECD, EU…) and civil society organizations as a key player to address a range of crucial challenges at all levels.

The social economy in Europe is recognized by major institutions (UN, ILO, OECD, EU…) and civil society organizations as a key player to address a range of crucial challenges at all levels.

In a context where sustainability, equity, and inclusion are imperatives, the social economy stands as a transformative force.

How is it possible? Because of the principles it puts into practice and because it is active in all sectors of activities in a way that puts #peoplebeforeprofit. The 3 principles of Social Economy are:


    • Primacy of people and the social objective over capital
    • Solidarity and the reinvestment of most profits to carry out the social objectives
    • Democratic governance.


Applying these principles in economic activity is per se a fundamental changemaker as it promotes collective entrepreneurship and a fair distribution of wealth. From a legal point of view SE initiatives can be cooperatives, associations, foundations, mutuals and social enterprises that enact these principles in their economic model. These models are by essence more inclined to respond to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals. These activities in practice respond to most of the EU major challenges.




The EU has developed an Action Plan for Social Economy with clear actions until 2030. To strive and live up to its full potential, Social Economy needs this plan to be unravelled. For this to happen there needs to be strong links with the European Parliament as well as a Commissioner that guides these transversal policies that touch upon all sectors of activities.

The European Parliament’s Intergroup on Social Economy is a cross-party and cross-committee grouping that aims to promote and support the social economy within the European Union. For more than 30 years the SE Intergroup been a place where the SE ecosystem and MEPs can concert. In particular, it is a platform for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to exchange ideas, discuss policies, and advocate for initiatives that strengthen the social economy ecosystem. The Intergroup focuses on advancing policies that promote social enterprises, cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations and other social economy actors, aiming to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable economy in Europe.

The diversity of SE economic models and sectors of activities, as well as the diversity of policies impacting SE, call for such an institutionalized agora.



Having a Commissioner for Social Economy means recognizing the growing importance of the social economy ecosystem within the European Union. This appointment would demonstrate a commitment to advancing policies and initiatives that prioritize social and environmental objectives alongside economic goals.

The Commissioner for Social Economy would play a crucial role in imbedding SE in all EU policies and pushing further the social Europe embedded in the economic goals. Social Economy is key to implementing a both prosperous and competitive Europe, as it embeds social concerns and economic sustainability. Communities and the market need SE to foster social cohesion, as well as to address pressing challenges such as unemployment, inequality, and climate change.

Moreover, having a dedicated Commissioner for Social Economy would enhance visibility and coordination within the EU institutions, ensuring that the specific needs and contributions of the social economy sector are adequately recognized and supported. This would ultimately contribute to building a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable European economy.

Continuing to work on the implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP) is crucial to strengthen and expand the role of the social economy in Europe. The plan provides a detailed roadmap for promoting the growth and sustainability of social economy enterprises and organizations. It has been adopted a year and half ago while paving the way for 10 years, the work has just begun and needs to be pursued. Even more so in times of geopolitical turmoil.

Beyond accompanying these actions with adapted funding at EU level, in particular SEE would like to see the following points of the SEAP further implemented:

    • Incorporate SE transversally in all EU industrial, economic, and social policies.
    • Properly monitor and support the implementation of the recommendation to Council on the framework conditions for SE.
    • Support SE through appropriate financial support.
    • Strengthen SE skills and education at all levels of learning.
    • Adapt state aid and public procurement to ensure a level playing field for SE.
    • Adapt measuring and evaluating methods of SE impact so that they reflect the true contribution of SE.
    • Develop appropriate taxation policies.
    • Strengthen the role of SE in international cooperation.


Support the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup and the appointment of a commissioner for Social Economy!

As MEP, you have the power to actually support inclusive economy, promoting social cohesion, and advance sustainability across the continent by supporting the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup. The Social Economy Intergroup, created in 1990, ensures a permanent dialogue between MEPs, the other European Institutions, Member States and the social economy ecosystem and is of vital importance to mainstream social economy´s perspective into the legislative and non-legislative work of the European Parliament, which has also a key role to further develop the Social Economy in Europe.

Unfortunately, the number of intergroups that can be approved is very limited. In the last legislature the EP received around 180 applications for intergroups but only 27 were approved, including the social economy intergroup which has been active since its creation in 1990. That´s why your support and signature for the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup is crucial.

The social Economy Intergroup has been key for achieving the main policies on Social Economy: the Social Economy Action Plan, the Council Recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions and the Transition Pathway for the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem.

Let’s work together to build a Europe that works for everyone, where economic success is measured not just by GDP, but by the well-being of all its citizens.

To express your interest and support the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup, please send an email to

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