Getting the most out of public money in support of Europe’s recovery
Social Economy Europe, along with a number of other social, environmental, business and trade union organisations, has issued a joint statement in reaction to the European […]
New SEE Guide on Social Economy for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
You can find a link to this important publication here. Today Social Economy Europe release the best practice guide: Social Economy for the full inclusion of […]
27/11 Next Generation EU: Mobilising social economy’s potential to build back better
The European Social Economy Summit The 26th and the 27th of November would have been the dates for the original ‘European Social Economy Summit’ and to […]
EU Flag disabilities
Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2021-2030)
In pursuing the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), the European Commission published a roadmap to define the […]
Social Economy Recognised in the First LGBTIQ Equality Strategy and in the New Consumers Agenda
On 12 November, the European Commission presented its communication Union of Equality: LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025, which represents good news for LGBTIQ people in Europe with […]
Social Economy’s vision for a Green & Fair Transition
On 10th November, from 12:00 to 14:00,  the Social Economy Intergroup’s online public hearing on Social Economy’s vision for a Green & Fair Transition, will take […]
Nicolas Schmit and Patrizia Bussi Pact4Skills
High-level meeting with Commissioner Schmit on Skills for the Social Economy & Proximity Ecosystem #pact4skills
Last Friday 30 November,  the high-level roundtable on Skills for the Proximity and Social Economy Ecosystem took place, a meeting chaired by European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit (Jobs and Social Rights).  […]
Build Back Fairer Civil Society Statement Recovery
Build Back Fairer: Joint Civil Society Statement
Civil society alliance calls for the transformation of the economy and trade system for a just and sustainable recovery. Download Join Statement Build Back Fairer Reconstruyamos […]
SEE Statement on #NextGenerationEU
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