Social Economy Action Plan
Time to co-build the Social Economy Action Plan
Social Economy Europe is pleased to present its policy paper Co-designing the Action Plan for the Social Economy: for an economy that works for people and […]
Why is social economy a natural vector for the ecological transition?
Author: Nicholas Clark Why is Social Economy a natural vector for the ecological transition? What a question! There is no doubt that our world is changing […]
Common Statement: Stand Up for the Social Pillar
Today, 22nd February 2021, one week before the release of the release of the Action Plan for the Social Pillar and in parallel to the informal […]
SEIG Skills and digitalisation public hearing
18/02/21 Social Economy Intergroup’s Public Hearing on Skills and Digitalisation
An important Public Hearing of the Social Economy Intergroup is taking place on the February 18 from 11.00 – 13.00h. You can find the agenda here. You can […]
2021 A year to build a better future together
Dear friends of the Social Economy,  I take this opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and positive New Year on behalf of Social Economy Europe, […]
19 EU Member States adopt Toledo Declaration on Social and Solidarity Economy
On the 4th December 2020, the Spanish Governmen organised the International Summit on Social Economy for an Inclusive, Sustainable and Fair Recovery.  This summit was the main […]
Social Economy Europe and American Sustainable Business Council Announce Global Collaboration to Mark 5th Anniversary of Paris Accord
Saturday 12 December 2020, Washington DC and Brussels.  Social Economy Europe (SEE) and the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) today announced a global partnership of over […]
Members logos image
European Pillar of Social Rights: Social Economy’s vision to strengthen Social Europe
The European Pillar of Social Rights is the European Commission’s social strategy to make sure that the transitions of climate-neutrality, digitalisation and demographic change, as well as the […]
All speakers SE Vidion 4 Grenn Transition
Social Economy’s Vision for a Green and Fair Transition- Report of the event
On the 10th November 2020, the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup in cooperation with Social Economy Europe held an important online event on Social Economy’s vision […]
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