SEE Memorandum for the European Elections 2024
2nd Edition of the European Social Economy Awards
Social Economy Europe
Annual Report 2023
social economy
The social economy is made up of a diversity of enterprises and organisations such as cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations and social enterprises among other forms that can be specific to each country.
They are united around the values of: primacy of people and the social objective over capital, democratic governance, solidarity and the reinvestment of most profits to carry out sustainable development objectives.
enterprises and organisations
Contributing to
Meeting between the European Parliament and social economy players in Strasbourg
Last July 18, an encounter between members of the European Parliament and social economy players took place at the City Hall of Strasbourg. With more than
SEE General Assembly. 24th June in Rome.
SEE General Assembly took place June 24th, in Rome and was hosted by Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane. It was a particularly fruitful meeting with the elections
Great sucess of the last Social Economy Intergroup meeting of the legislature
The last Social Economy Intergroup meeting of the EU legislature was a great success with more than 100 attendees registered in person. Entitled The Social Economy
16 April 2024: Intergroup meeting “The Social Economy in the European elections 2024”
Save the date in your agendas and register now for the next intergroup meeting on 16 April from 10:00 to 12:00 at the European Parliament in
SEIG online public hearing: Towards a Council Recommendation for social economy, boosting the convergence of Social Economy enabling frameworks
On Friday 4 March 2022, the European Parliament’s Social Economy Intergroup, whose secretariat is provided by Social Economy Europe, organises the online public hearing Towards a
OSCE Event in Tirana: Young Social Economy Entrepreneurship for sustainable development in Western Balkans
In the context of the YDEAS II (Young Developers and Entrepreneurs to Advance Start-ups) project, OSCE organises a two-day kick off meeting in Tirana. The project,
Strasbourg Conference: Social Economy, the Future of Europe
This conference, organised French Presidency of the Council of the EU, is taking place in Strasbourg. This event is a great opportunity to debate and exchange
EU Civil Society Days 2022: Workshop 6, A Green Social Market economy for the Future of Europe
In the context of the Civil Society Days 2022, Social Economy Europe in collaboration with the Union of European Federalists (UEF), organises the online Workshop 6,
SEE Board of Directors, launch of 10th Anniversary and 1st SEAP Anniversary
GECES Plenary meeting in Brussels & Transition Pathways final event
The GECES (Commission Expert Group on the Social Economy and Social enterprises) was constituted to advise the European Commission on policy initiatives related to the social
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