Last July 18, an encounter between members of the European Parliament and social economy players took place at the City Hall of Strasbourg. With more than 70 attendees, it was a fruitful event co-organized by Strasbourg Eurometropole, CRESS Grand Est, ESS-France and Social Economy Europe with the aim to allow the recently elected MEPs meet the social economy actors. 4 MEPs from EPP, S&D, Renew and Greens/EFA participated in the event, all of them supported the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup of the EU Parliament and explained their vision of the social economy and their role to promote it in this legislature.

Opening remarks:
Jeanne Barseghian, Mayor of Strasbourg:
The event started with the welcoming words by Jeanne Barseghian, Mayor of Strasbourg, who started by reclaiming the central role of the social economy from the heart of Europe in an important moment for European democracy. She also highlighted the relevance of this event as it took place the same day that the European Parliament re-elected the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the same week the newly elected European Parliament had its first plenary sessions, with another woman, Roberta Metsola, at its forefront.
“We are at the beginning of a legislature marked by major green and sustainable challenges, with major crises (wars, rise of the extreme right), need to strengthen the strategic autonomy of the EU… the challenges are many to build Europe. Social Economy is important and must be an essential part of the European project as it responds to green challenges and supports economic sovereignty. The city of Strasbourg has always been committed to the development of the Social Economy at the European level” (she remembered SE conferences of the French Presidency and previous events)

Juan Antonio Pedreño, President of Social Economy Europe
Juan Antonio Pedreño thanked the presence of MEPs, the Mayor and the social economy actors from all over Europe. He expressed his commitment to continue growing it together. He started his speech by pointing out that the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup is fundamental for the Social Economy to be at the center of the EU political agenda as dialogue forum and essential link between the EU Parliament, Commission and social economy actors to continue developing the Social Economy Action Plan, the Council Recommendation, and more. He also thanked the support already received from MEPs to renew the Social Economy Intergroup but despite this momentum, recognition and development of the social economy, the competition will be strong with other intergroups, as only a limited number of intergroups will be approved. The second major proposal of SEE is the appointment of a Commissioner responsible for SE, among other functions, as requested by 20 Ministers responsible for SE in Liège. This Commissioner is essential to ensure that supportive policies for social economy are not diluted and are embedded in all public policies, including the industrial policies (of which social economy is an identified ecosystem) and social policies.
“The Social Economy responds to the big challenges of Europe: it reduces the inequalities, it promotes the green transition and it reinforces the democratic systems”.

Panel discussion with MEPs: What place for the social economy in the new legislature? What role for MEPs?
The core of the event was a panel discussion with MEPs from different political groups moderated by Sarah de Heusch, Director of Social Economy Europe.
Maravillas Abadía (EPP, Spain)
Maravillas Abadía from the EPP Group highlighted the necessity of guaranteeing the support from Europe to the Social Economy with dedicated political space for it. She mentioned that the EPP Group has always supported the Intergroup and it is going to be a driving force for social economy in this legislature. She also highlighted the weight of the Social Economy at all levels and the impact that it has on all the territories, pointing out that in the Region of Murcia, where she comes from, the government committed to several Pacts which supports an ecosystem of 2.000 social economy enterprises who employ 100.000 workers.
“It is a critical moment for Europe, the Social Economy is fundamental because of its added value: it creates and maintains quality employment, reinforces the democratic values, contributes to the sustainable development and social cohesion of the territories, contributes to the social and environmental change, provides innovative and emerging solutions locally rooted and it is at the forefront of the green and digital transitions. We are going to support the Intergroup and the strengthening of the Social Economy Action Plan. The Social Economy is an engine for sustainable growth in Europe. We have the responsibility of leading these efforts to build a more sustainable Europe together”.

Idoia Mendía (S&D, Spain)
The representative of S&D in the panel, Idoia Mendía, highlighted that the event gathers political groups which together represent a majority that can support the European project and democracy. She pointed out that the Social Economy is essential, reason why she supported Social Economy in the Basque Country, where she comes from, and where Social Economy has a preponderant role. There, the model has demonstrated how democratic participation can be embedded in the business project, with fairer wages and solidarity in case of emergencies, such as during the covid 19 pandemic when Mondragon cooperatives went from manufacturing industrial equipment to producing respirators to answer needs of territory.
“S&D Group is going to support the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup. We are with the Social Economy to renew the Intergroup and to tell the European Union that it is necessary to implement the Social Economy Action Plan”.

Cynthia Ní Mhurchù (Renew, Ireland)
Cynthia Ní Mhurchù from Renew showed her support for the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup and highlighted the relevance of the Irish SE organization, The Wheel, which is member of Social Economy Europe, for having raised awareness about the essential role of social economy in Europe and in the Parliament, its contribution to the reduction of inequalities and the promotion of social rights, especially in some areas of Europe. She spoke of her experience as a barrister and the importance of social economy for social cohesion.
“I believe in the Social Economy values and I want to contribute to their objectives”

Leoluca Orlando (Greens/EFA, Italy)
From the Greens, Leoluca Orlando, is back in the European Parliament, after nearly 30 years, and has been Mayor of Palermo for many years and intermittently, battling for social justice and against the mafia, involving social economy to change economic patterns. He was also directly confronted with strong migration pressures in his Region, always supporting free circulation of people. Orlando also expressed his support for the renewal of the Social Economy Intergroup; he focused his speech on the necessity of reinforcing the European Pillar of Social Rights and the core role that the Social Economy has in this agenda.
“We have only one human race and 8 billion of inhabitants in Earth”

Benoît Hamon, President of ESS-France
In the conclusions, Benoît Hamon highlighted that the European Commission took the initiative of setting up the Social Economy Action Plan and adopting a strategy for the Social Economy for economic, social and environmental development. Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue working for social economy enterprises to be treated on equal footing with the rest of enterprises, as it is a model that responds to the challenges of the European Union with an economic model focused on the general interest and a capacity to innovate and reinforce civil society. He also pointed out that it is crucial that the Social Economy Intergroup exists because it is fundamental for the co-production of Social Economy policies. He also called for the appointment of a Commissioner for Social Economy in order for the Social Economy Action Plan to continue to be a priority with a dedicated strategy.
“When we talk about the differences between the EU and US development models, the social protection and public services are the big differences. The social protection is a core element of Europe and Social Economy is an actor of general interest that contributes to the European social development model”

Víctor Meseguer, Special Commissioner for Social Economy, Government of Spain.
Víctor Meseguer closed the interventions by mentioning the big commitment that the Government of Spain has towards the Social Economy and the relevance of the Social Economy ecosystem within the Spanish economy. He also highlighted that the social economy must be at the center of the political agenda of the EU as it is a fundamental actor for an economic solidarity-based progress in Europe.
“We have the possibility of writing the future and the Social Economy is the tool at the service of citizens. It is the standard for tomorrow´s economy”