About the project:
The BSI project ran from July 2018 to January 2020 and had 2 objectives:
1. encourage contracting authorities to use public procurement to pursue social goals;
2. increase the capacity of social economy enterprises to take part in public procurement procedures and to access new markets.
Actions were targeted at contracting authorities and social economy enterprises and organisations in the following 15 countries: Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Sweden.
The project team looked at how the social aspects of the new EU Public Procurement Directive (2014/24/EU) were transposed at national level, identified good practices on socially responsible public procurement (SRPP), and mapped the capacity of social economy enterprises to access markets.
Project outputs:
Matrix of the social clauses in the Directive
This matrix provides for a legal explanation of the social clauses of Directive 2014/24/EU. This is a comparative legal analysis between the relevant provisions of the EU Directive, the transposition laws and existing practices in different EU Member States.
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The BSI Brochure
The brochure highlights the key findings and learning from the project.
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Good Practices publication
This publication gathers 22 examples of good practice from 12 EU Member States. These include good practice from 8 of the countries targeted by the BSI project, as well as examples
from another 4 Member States (Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, and the UK)
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